THIS COURSE IS CURRENTLY IN BETA AND IS ONLY OPEN TO INVITED PARTICIPANTS. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US FOR ACCESS TO THIS COURSE AT THIS TIME. WHEN THE BETA IS COMPLETED, THIS COURSE WILL BE OPENED UP TO UTKM STUDENTS AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES. Welcome to the UTKM Full Theory + Instructor Certification Course Phase 1. In this course you will be guided through the entirety of the UTKM advanced Theory Curriculum from an instructor perspective. This course is a partially self guided course that you can work through at your own pace in conjunction with your assigned UTKM Lead Instructor. Your critical thinking and knowledge will be challenged through Open ended long format written tests, Written and video assignments and discussions with your instructor as needed. For those simply taking this course to expand their knowledge move through it at your own pace but for those who are taking this course with the intention of being certified it is thought to be reasonable to complete this course in under 6 months with a dedicated 60 hours of lessons, assignments and tests. This is of course under the assumption you have a full-time job, kids or in general a life. For those taking this course with the intention of being certified as a UTKM instructor it is not recommended until you have at least achieved or are close to achieving your UTKM Orange Belt. In addition, there are some time restrictions for completing this course and additional training with out incurring additional fees. Note: Completion and passing of this course alone DOES NOT guarantee you will be certified as a UTKM instructor as there are additional phases and requirements that need to be completed in addition to this course prior to certification. Depending on what rank you are in the UTKM system this could mean and additional 3-24 months of training in person Please contact us if you want more information.
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