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UTKM U​niversity

Pricing: Sign up Today!
1 Week Trial Beginner Curriculum
5$ÂUTKMU 1 Week Beginner Trial AccessValid for one week- Access to the UTKM White Belt Curriculum
Beginner Monthly
15$Every monthGet access to UTKM Beginner CurriculumÂ- Access to UTKM Beginner Curriculum
Beginner Annual
120$Every yearYou save $60 when you get a Beginner Annual PlanÂ- Access to UTKM Beginner Curriculum
Novice Monthly
20$Every monthAccess to the Beginner and Novice CurriculumÂ- Access to UTKM Beginner Curriculum
- Access to UTKM Novice Curriculum
Novice Annual
180$Every yearYou save $60 when you get a Novice Annual PlanÂ- Access to UTKM Beginner Curriculum
- Access to UTKM Novice Curriculum
Advanced Annual
240$Every yearPlease be aware the advanced section is still a work in process and there are missing videos in the Blue and Brown Belt curriculum. Updated Incoming.Â- Access to Beginner Curriculum
- Access to Novice Curriculum
- Access to Advanced Curriculum
Advanced Monthy
25$Every monthSave $60 by paying for Advanced Annual. Please be aware the advanced section is still a work in process and there are missing videos in the Blue and Brown Belt curriculum. Updated Incoming.Â- Access to Beginner Curriculum
- Access to Novice Curriculum
- Access to Advanced Curriculum
Plans will Autorenew on every plan. Cancellation notice must be in writing and within the time frame as listed by your plan. There will be no refunds for failure to cancel within the appropriate cancellation windows.
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